anger all is not lost there has risen a Girl Like a Phoenix From the Ashes of disaster her voice right now is a voice in the wilderness but that voice has lit the lamp of hope maybe Mr Kringle you will get to wear a red pom pomed hat and your red fleece lined coat once more maybe Rudolph will guide your sleigh through the wind night of love once again maybe Santa Claus will ride once more may your words be true Mrs Kringle people talk about love and kindness caring and sharing but only when Christmas comes along rest of the year they’re waging Wars grabbing what’s not theirs fighting with each other they should learn something from the elves over there my oldest friend shini aat.
and my chief toy maker bushy Evergreen oh how they work together with the other elves and everyone else in the village to make right all that’s broken and I don’t just mean toys they don’t share because they’re they destroy all lot of they greed they always want more than their requirements much more than what they actually need and in a world of Shameless GED for Santa Claus there is no need you’re right bushy and shinny there’s no place for Santa Claus in a world that thinks of him only for a week every year and that too just so they can have a merry time ah 4:00 yes.
it’s 4:00 St Nichol whether you decide to fly or not but but it’s time for the toys to get their exercise I know Harry I know pushy shinny get the other elves and tell them to begining the toys and of course our favorite flying car Alabaster sow ball ball Min sticks Sugar Sugar BL Mary one US Open SLE get the do and let the magic car fly such beautiful moments bring tears to my eyes I can’t believe that such moments May soon disappear dear shiny bushy and Harry do you remember Santa song of course we do let there be Christmas in the monsoon let there be Christmas in the fall let there be Christmas Christmas in the or let there be no Christmas at all let there be Christmas in the monsoon let there be Christmas in the fall let there be Christmas in the or let there be no Christmas at all millions of children.
across the Earth are going to be devastated of Santa Claus disappears Mr kingle will you ever reconsider to be Santa again or never well ever is a really long time and never is a little too difficult to predict so I can’t make any promises but Santa Claus May return if I’m convinced that kindness and love caring and sharing family and friends still exist and thrive on this planet and how may you get convinced if what that girl sang about she actually does you are talking about aansa but what if she did not succeed in doing all that she dreams of ah to dream is the first step to attempt is the leap of dare.
if our world is to succeed it is going to be because of thousands and thousands of children just like AKA but children are the future only they can bring change true if aan connect with brave Minds like her own across the Earth that she will start a tsunami of voices of reason and those waves of reason if Unleashed will spread through tomorrow and Beyond and carry us all to the shores of love and kindness sharing and caring in fact anything good and nice and bring Glory Days back to us but for the movement to succeed it will take time then again if the movement starts it will be unstoppable isn’t that why you keep on saying that no one should stop doing little things for others for often those little things take up the biggest space in their hearts and big hearts can make giant differences.
is it not you’re right bushy shini and Harry and I wait those little things that moment of the start if that happens I Chris kingle will put on my red pom pomed hat and my red woen coat once again and gertude my dear on that day Santa Claus will fly again Santa Claus will fly again for sure sure he will fly Jingle Bells will ring against through the snowy winter night and Rudolph R nose will glow Al small like a beacon shining bright to guide the slay of Santa Claus through magic winter night ho ho ho Santa Claus will fly ah yes Santa Claus may fly Christmas in the Happ Christmas in the fall.